Hot Sausage Balls


  1. Shape sausage into balls of size desired.
  2. Bake on a rack over a pan in a 350 degree oven about 30 minutes. Turn once if necessary for sausage to brown evenly. Drain.
  3. In a sauce pan, place all remaining ingredients and heat to blend.
  4. In a covered dish, pour sauce over sausage balls.



20 min

prep time

30 min.

cook time


2 lbs Swaggerty’s Farm sausage (hot is recommended)

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup red wine vinegar

½ cup catsup

2 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 tsp. ginger

Level of complexity




Special kitchen tools


Pairs well with

to serve

Serve the Hot Sausage balls warm with some extra homemade sauce for dipping on the side. Have lots of napkins nearby and watch this appetizer go fast!

If you love this recipe, and want another easy appetizer, try these allergy friendly sausage balls made with gluten free Bisquick or any gluten-free baking for a fun party snack.
We highly recommend you use our Premium Hot 1lb. Sausage for this recipe.