
November 2016 — Three (3) new Breakfast Sandwich products by Swaggerty’s Farm® start shipping in November of 2016.

The flavor and quality of Swaggerty’s premium pork sausage is now available in Sausage Biscuits, Sausage & Buttermilk Biscuits, and even Chicken & Buttermilk Biscuits. In collaboration with strategic partners, Swaggerty’s Farm® has been able to leverage their expertise in serving shoppers in the fresh and frozen meat categories for decades. A natural extension of one of the most flavorful proteins on the breakfast market (pork sausage), breakfast sandwiches are perfect for today’s on-the-go consumers. When convenience and flavor are the most important criteria for a quick breakfast or snack, breakfast sandwiches with premium pork sausage really, really satisfies!

These three (3) new breakfast sandwiches start shipping in early November, 2016. Contact Swaggerty’s Farm if you’d like to learn more about what these products could do for your frozen breakfast category.