24 oz. Tray pack of Swaggerty's Farm Breakfast Sauage

cooking instructions

For optimum flavor, refrigerate and prepare within 3 days or freeze for no more than 30 days. If thawing in microwave, remove product from all packaging and use microwave-approved containers only. Place links in a skillet and cook over medium-low heat for 10-13 minutes. Turn often with tongs and brown evenly. Sausage is cooked thoroughly when internal temperature reads 170°F with no visible pink internally.


Pork, Water, Vinegar, Vinegar Flavoring (Potassium Lactate, Vinegar, And Natural Flarvorings), Salt, Flavorings, Sugar, Monosodium Glutamate, Lemon Powder (CornSyrup Solids And Lemon Juice Solids), BHA, BHT, Propyl Gallate, And Citric Acid In a Beef Collagen Casing


Previously Handled Frozen For Your Protectioin. REFREEZE or REFRIGERATE.

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