Breakfast Sausage Charcuterie Board | Easy Brunch Idea


  1. Brown all sausages. Cook in a skillet or on a sheet pan in the oven at 375° until browned and cooked inside. Remove from pans and drain sausages on paper towels. Cut sausage patties in half. Set aside.
  2. Toast waffles. Leave some whole and cut others in half for your charcuterie board.
  3. Wash all fruit and drain well.
  4. Cut hardboiled eggs in half.
  5. Arrange ingredients on your board in a decorative way, grouping like items together for easy access. Pour syrup into a small pitcher and place close to the waffles and softened butter. Group sausages together with eggs and cheese cubes. Pile berries to fill in empty places. Use a few orange wedges for garnish and to add color and texture.

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30 min

prep time

15 min

cook time


12 oz package of Swaggerty’s Farm Sausage Patties

12 oz package of Swaggerty’s Farm Sausage Links

1 to 2 boxes keto toaster waffles

6 hardboiled eggs, peeled

1 pint each fresh berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries)

4 – 6 oz of your favorite cheese cubed

Softened butter

Maple syrup

1 orange, cut into small wedges

1 bag seedless,green grapes

Level of complexity




Special kitchen tools

Charcuterie board or a large tray

Pairs well with

Coffee and orange juice

to serve

Serve your Breakfast Charcuterie Sausage Board along with your favorite morning beverages and enjoy!

Need another brunch favorite? Try our Hash Brown Crust Quiche Recipe for another morning treat.
Any of our patties and links work great, but add a little extra flavor with our Premium All Natural Sausage Maple Links to the board. The maple flavor really makes this breakfast tray extra special.