

July 1, 2020

Swaggerty Sausage Implements Baseline Testing for Covid – 19 Virus

Kodak, TN July 1, 2020 – At Swaggerty Sausage, we are extremely proud of our employees as part of the critical infrastructure industry for the work they have done to keep feeding America during these unprecedented times. Their safety has always been our top priority and is why we have instituted the following CDC approved measures during the Covid-19 pandemic to help contain the spread:

Placed infrared temperature cameras at plant entrances for symptom screening of all employees’ temperatures.
Increased sanitation in break rooms and workspaces four-fold.
Provided mandatory Personal Protective Equipment (face masks and face shields) to all plant personnel.
Placed physical barriers where possible at workstations and breakroom tables. Enforced social distancing during staggered breaks and meal periods.
Added multiple hand sanitizers and hand dip stations throughout the plant and all entry and exit points from the facility.
Daily cleaning and sanitizing multiple times throughout the day and at end of shift.
Expanded paid sick leave and family and medical leave in conjunction with the Family First Coronavirus Response Act.
“Despite these extensive measures, we have had employees test positive for Covid-19 in the last few days. We have enacted the CDC recommended testing strategy that includes contact tracing, interviewing and testing potentially exposed workers while balancing operations and worker safety. We’re baseline testing our personnel while continuing to monitor their symptoms. Those that test negative and are asymptomatic may return to work, while those who test positive will be quarantined per the CDC guidelines”, says Jon Amidei, Chief Operating Officer. “We have a great, committed workforce that strive to produce quite possibly the best tasting sausage in America every day. We are committed to their safety, first and foremost. They do essential work and their health and safety come first.”

For further information, contact Swaggerty Sausage at