KODAK, Tenn., Oct. 16, 2023 -- Swaggerty's Farm earns AA+ Certification, the highest rating possible, in BRCGS Global Food Safety standards. Swaggerty's Farm earns the highest grade possible in food safety risk assessment standards for the 12th consecutive time.
Whats New
Swaggerty’s Farm® is helping serve 800+ Breakfast Sandwiches at Save A Lot locations in Eastern Kentucky and Supporting Operation BBQ Relief with over 5000 lbs of Sausages
KODAK, TN – As we enter 2022, Swaggerty Sausage Company, for now the ninth consecutive year, has received the highest possible grade from BRC Food Safety auditors. Read more here in What's New!
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Paula McGee-Davis of Swaggerty Sausage Company, Inc. has been selected as one of this year's North American Meat Institute's Emerging Leaders. Get more details inside!
Jan 12, 2021Swaggerty’s Receives Highest Possible Grade from BRC Food Safety Auditors for 8th Consecutive Year